As you may have heard, Mass Save has rolled out its new incentive program called the Equipment and Systems Performance Optimization (ESPO) Program that includes some major changes we’d like to share with you.
• Mass Save is giving away $2.7 billion in energy incentives over the next 3 years in both electricity and natural gas for C&I (Commercial & Industrial) program.
• Incentive applications can now be completed online very easily through the Application Portal, replacing paper forms for all but the ESPO.
• Monitoring Based Commissioning (MBCx) projects, such as Analytika, are now covered under the Pay for Performance structure.
Cimetrics would be happy to support your utility incentive projects as follows:
• Provide the Analytika monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) service to identify energy savings measures.
• Calculate annual energy savings projections, as well as average peak demand and savings allocations when required for incentive applications.
• Confirm implementation of energy savings measures.
• Provide before and after M&V data in the form of graphs and/or “raw” polled data.
• Submit incentive applications.
• Provide project management of energy savings measures, including lighting retrofit projects, energy savings measures identified through MBCx, and other measures identified on site.
Additional information:
• Information about 2019 MA Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Offerings & Incentives here.
• Presentation from the business partner rollout March 2019 here.
• Sign up to learn more about Training and Workforce Development opportunities available through the Mass Save program (e.g. advanced lighting control, energy auditing, etc.) by sending an email to info@masssave.com.
• Sign up for a business partner training session on ESPO by sending an email to ESPO-Program@eversource.com. Cimetrics will be attending the training sessions as soon as they are established.
Contact Cimetrics for more information on how Analytika can help with your energy savings projects: info@analytika.com