The building is 275,000 sq. ft. It has over 7,500 Siemens BAS points monitored, 725,000 samples per day, 4 chillers, 4 cooling towers, 12 pumps, 9 air handling units, and over 1,000 terminal units.
Sample AHU Operating Conditions
Figure below shows the base and post operation of the 3 main AHUs in the building. Prior to the modifications, all 3 AHU supply fans were pegged at 100% speed, the air change per hour (ACH) rates were over 15 in many labs and the building initially had an energy intensity of 366 kBTU/sq. ft./yr.
As a result of using Analytika, the supply and exhaust ducts were balanced and an unoccupied schedule was corrected. Cimetrics and facility personnel worked with Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) to reduce ACH rates to 6/3 during occupied and unoccupied hours, and there was a reduction in static pressure setpoint. The existing building energy intensity has been reduced to 327 kBTU/sq. ft./yr. and additional AHU capacity is now available.
Building Results
Annual energy savings: $332,000 (>15% annual costs)
Annual carbon emissions reduction: 2,230 metric tons.
Contact us to learn how Analytika can help you.