The new issue of Currents – the energy conservation newsletter for Jefferson Health, outlines the Building Continuous Commissioning Project that began in 2013. Jefferson selected a team of recognized experts in continuous commissioning for the project including Cimetrics Analytika.
Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals Inc, branded as Jefferson Health, is a regional health system whose flagship hospital is Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Center City, Philadelphia. The health system’s hospitals serve as the teaching hospitals of Thomas Jefferson University.
The total energy spend for Jefferson is now more than $40 Million per year. The challenge – how to manage this for maximum savings. That’s where continuous commissioning comes into play.
What is Building Commissioning?
Checking and testing (“tune-up”) your building energy using equipment during design, construction and turnover to the building owner.
What is Continuous Commissioning?
Checking and testing your equipment continuously, 24/7 while it’s operating. Cimetrics Analytika Process not only helps finding existent energy wasting problems with the equipment, it can also “predict” a problem and can identify where a problem exists but is “hiding”.
Cimetrics results so far:
Energy Cost Savings of over $1 Million Dollars.
Reduction of CO2 from reduced energy use is over 7,000 Metrics Tons. This is equivalent of taking 1500 cars off the road for a year!
Read the whole story on page 3.
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About Currents: This newsletter highlights energy conservation efforts throughout the enterprise.