Two large air handlers (AHUs) in the building with inlet guide vanes (IGVs) were operating at higher flows than required. This issue was not detected at the site as adequate temperature and humidity conditions were maintained in the zones. However, Analytika determined that zone conditions were not being achieved in the most efficient way possible.
Figure 1. AHU analysis showing higher than necessary fan power consumption due to inlet guide vanes operating in the closed position.
Cimetrics recommended replacing the IGVs with VFDs to achieve savings and provide better airflow control. Cimetrics provided technical guidance and helped coordinate the activities of the GPM staff and the controls vendor. Furthermore, the ongoing monitoring provided by Analytika allowed GPM to qualify for utility incentives to help pay for the upgrade and Cimetrics helped GPM secure the incentive. This opportunity reduced energy costs as well as annual maintenance costs going forward.
Annual energy savings achieved: $27,503
Utility incentives secured: $6,300