Cambridge, MA is on the path to becoming a net-zero community. A net zero-energy community (ZEC) is one that has greatly reduced energy needs through efficiency gains such that the balance of energy for vehicles, thermal, and electrical energy within the community is met by renewable energy. In 2015 City Council unanimously adopted the Net Zero Action Plan, a 25-year plan that addresses both new and existing buildings and includes target dates for reduction of greenhouse-gas emissions from buildings in Cambridge.
The Community Development Department is committed to reporting annually on progress towards implementation of the Net Zero Action Plan (NZAP) for buildings. Fiscal year 2017 (July 2016 – June 2017) is the second year of NZAP implementation. FY17 included actions in all five categories of the Plan: 1 – Energy Efficiency in Existing Buildings, 2 – Net Zero New Construction, 3 – Energy Supply, 4 – Local Carbon Fund, and 5 – Engagement and Capacity Building. Key accomplishments included the launch of the Multi-Family Energy Efficiency Pilot program, completion of the Low Carbon Energy Supply Strategy study, and initial investigation of the feasibility of a Local Carbon Fund. The report gives a status update of each action and summarizes quantitative indicators that can serve as baselines for measuring future progress. For the full report, click HERE.