On April 20-21, 2021 AEE presents the ENERGY EFFICIENCY FOR TRANSFORMATIVE SOLUTIONS virtual conference, a forum for education, discussion, and growth. As unprecedented changes drive a revolution in energy efficiency, clean energy, and decarbonization, this conference focuses on the strategies, technologies, and solutions used to transform industry, business, and communities.
If you are attending this conference please visit Track B: Commissioning and Measurement and Verification on April 20th at 3-3:30 pm. Our Director of Analytics will talk about Early Deployment of AFDD & MBCx for Optimal Energy Efficiency and Equipment Reliability. Learn More
Early Deployment of AFDD & MBCx for Optimal Energy Efficiency and Equipment Reliability
Monitoring-based commissioning (MBCx) has been used successfully in high-performance buildings to identify problems before they become critical and to maximize equipment efficiency and reliability, thus preventing downtime and capturing energy savings. Automatic fault detection and diagnostics (AFDD) provides a strategic approach to energy reduction and ongoing maintenance, while root cause analysis helps streamline issue remediation. The design and start-up periods present a unique opportunity to set the stage for long-term performance and mitigate future risk of failures and disruption. This presentation will discuss best practices for data sufficiency and conditioning to ensure robust fault detection and establish a baseline. Real customer examples from representative facilities will be used to show a sampling of typical new building faults. A targeted process that factors the economic impact associated with these faults can be used to prioritize resource deployment during the startup and warranty period. Financial considerations such as ROI and utility incentives will also be discussed.
Speaker Bio
Hadas Webb has 20 years of experience in engineering, energy analysis, and leadership. Ms. Webb has been with Cimetrics since 2007 and currently heads the Analytics team. Her primary responsibilities include planning and integration of new products and offerings, leading a team of senior analysts, and overseeing the client experience to ensure client goals such as energy reduction, reliability, wellness, occupant comfort, and customer satisfaction are successfully met. Formerly, as a Senior Analyst, Ms. Webb was directly responsible for energy analysis of over 8 million square feet of facilities throughout the United States. Prior to joining Cimetrics, Ms. Webb worked as a Building Automation Construction Manager at Partners Healthcare, where she was responsible for managing control system projects and developing a building automation master plan for Massachusetts General Hospital. Ms. Webb received a B.S. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University, both in Mechanical Engineering.